Meet the EBLA team of Holistic Business Management Experts.


EBLA, established by long term ABEF Evaluators and Practioners– Shayne Silcox, Ziggy Wilk and Andrew Christopher – is a social enterprise initiative, established to “make a difference” in the development of world class holistic business management talent, through technological advancement in digital age Experiential Business Learning formats - underpinned by Business Excellence Framework philosophy. 

EBLA –RFBE is the Australian Affiliate for deployment of the world leader in this “future of business learning” – Capsim Management Solutions, based in Chicago, USA.

EBLA is modelled on the proven approach applied by its sister operation Experiential Business Learning Malaysia (EBLM) led by Andrew Christopher and Malaysian partners. EBLM is the Malaysian Affiliate for Capsim and has worked collaboratively with the Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC) – custodians of the Malaysian Business Excellence Framework - to provide a similar additional contemporary channel for communicating, educating, and deploying Business Excellence in the country.

EBLA principals Dr Shayne Silcox, Ziggy Wilk and Andrew Christopher are passionate about and have applied Business Excellence Frameworks and Philosophy in a practical context for 30 odd years, as Senior Leaders, Internal and External Consultants in Australia, Fiji, Singapore, New Zealand, USA, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, and Malaysia. An underpinning element of their approach in deploying Business Excellence in the organisations they have worked with, is the establishment of a strong foundation of business acumen or holistic business management understanding and capability –guided by Business Excellence Frameworks.



Excellence - The commitment to be best in practice in all that we do, proven by real results.


Boldness – The willingness to take risks and act innovatively and with confidence. The courage & integrity in pursuing our business purpose.


Leadership – Setting a compelling vision and mission for the business, enabling and empowering our people to succeed.


Achievement  – Clear and strong results that focus in on our objective of making a difference in the growth and development of world class Australian business talent.



Andrew Christopher

Managing Director - RFBE Consulting Australia Director EBLM (M) Sdn. Bhd.


  • A finance and governance educated professional with 40 years of UK, Australian, Fiji and Philippines senior leadership, internal and external consulting experience in strongly facilitating business-operational excellence and acumen.

  • Uses commercial insights and knowledge from finance/governance professional background, leadership experience and unique long term exposure as a National Evaluator for the Business Excellence Framework (Australia) to successfully integrate strategy, business performance management, process management and business improvement to guide organisations in the pursuit of superior all round business performance, leading to sustainable profits and growth.


  • Founded Perth based RFBE (Results Focused Business Excellence) Consulting, in 2011, to address an observed market gap area for a differentiated blend of finance, commercial, governance and operations business excellence services required by multi-disciplinary, dispersed and complex businesses with deep operational functions.

  • Co-founded Kuala Lumpur based Experiential Business Learning (M) Sdn. Bhd. in 2016, combining Australian and Malaysian experience and expertise to support 11 Malaysia Plan objectives to boost the growth and development of world class Malaysian business talent and companies through digital age experiential business learning.

  • Passionate about sharing knowledge of and assisting businesses (people) committed to Business Excellence. Pursuing these objectives in collaboration with partners such as Business Excellence Australia and Malaysian Productivity Corporation-responsible for deploying national Business Excellence Frameworks.

  • Education and Professional Accreditations

  • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD)

  •      Graduate and Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (UK) (FCCA)

  •     Graduate and Associate of the Australian Institute of Corporate Governance (AICG) and

  • Institute of Chartered Secretaries Australia (ICSA)

  •      Graduate - SAI Global Certificate of Business Excellence (Evaluation)

  •     Train the Trainer Accreditation (CPA Society of Australia)

  •      Continuous Improvement Facilitator Accreditation (LSA/AQC)

  •     National Evaluator ABEF (Australian Business Excellence Framework)

Skills, Knowledge and Capabilities

  •        Planning and leading commercial teams in supporting the evaluation of feasibility, establishing frameworks for, implementation, governance and performance management of successful major investment initiatives, including:- Power Undergrounding Projects, PPA’s, Major System Upgrades, IT Systems.

  •         Conceptualising, designing and implementing supply and contract management frameworks as well alliancing, partnering and collaborative management frameworks and agreements for large value, long term energy and general supply and service contracts.

  •         Developing approaches and successfully leading commercial responses to major licencing exercises, regulatory reviews, asset management system and specific subject audits by Government Regulators and External Consultants.

  •         Conceptualising, designing and implementing results focused business excellence approaches based on finance/governance background and unique National Evaluator exposure to better business practices in national and overseas businesses.

  •         Strongly facilitating business strategy development and integration in and providing internal consulting for executive and operational management in large complex, diversified and dispersed businesses.

  •         Designing and embedding commercialisation strategies, business investment/business performance management frameworks and commercial business acumen through to front line and shop floor levels in large energy, construction, manufacturing and engineering businesses with asset management plan, capital delivery, maintenance program, retail and customer service imperatives.

  •        Leading business side input and change management in major IT implementation exercises and leveraging technology to successfully systemise and improve business processes.

  •        Mentoring, coaching Executive and Board members to enhance capability and effectiveness in whole of business strategy, oversight and assurance.

  •        Conceptualizing, shaping and managing organizational change coupled with a strong track record of establishing, developing and leading successful corporate, business and commercial services groups and teams.

  •        Unique expertise in, developed and deploying proven business quality and cost effective Strata Financial Management Excellence services allowing Strata Managers to focus on building and tenant management thus enhancing total service to Strata Plan Management Committees and Condominium Joint Management Bodies – reducing churn in Strata Managers.

  •        Deploying digital age Experiential Business Learning to develop world class business capability across Universities and Corporations in Malaysia.- - through licences for integration in University Academic Programs, through customized corporate workshop programs and the Annual Malaysian Experiential Business Learning Challenge.



Dr. Shayne Silcox

Principal Strategic Leadership Consulting (SLC)


  • 50 years Private and Public experience including former Local Government CEO (20+years), and various industry sectors including; Transport, Energy Research, Energy (Electricity and Gas), with extensive Transformation Project Leadership, Planning, and Implementation

  • Successfully leading organisations to achieve high recognition in various National and International Award Programs

  • Strong motivation to service, support and help others to achieve great outcomes and to realize their future aspirations utilising his knowledge, experience and expertise in wide management and technical fields

  • Board Member across various companies and boards.

  • Received the Public Service Medal (PSM) in recent years.


Education and Professional Accreditations

        PHD, M. Comm, Post Grad B. B. Bus, Cert Engineering.

  •         Memberships

  •         FAICD

  •         FIAM,

  •        FLGPro,

  •         FIPAWA,

  • International & National Evaluator Australian Business Excellence Foundation

Skills, Knowledge and Capabilities

  •       Governance, LG Act & Regulations,

  •         Strategy – Structure - Systems,

  •        Community Engagement,

  •        Culture & Workforce Management,

  •         Performance Management,

  •         Communication & PR,

  •        Stakeholder Management,

  •         Customer Value and Customer Service,

  •         Business Excellence,

  •         Transformation large scale  projects,

  •         Sustainability,

  •         ISO systems.

  •    Coaching and mentoring

  •    Managing customers and stakeholders


Ziggy Wilk



40 years of senior management, executive and consulting experience in number of industries and fields including utilities, electricity (generation, transmission, distribution and systems), renewable energy, engineering, manufacture, mining, projects, multi - trade workshops and services, retail, customer services, contact centre, large scale operations, asset management and its services, technology driven operations, automation, commercial.

Strong motivation to service, support and help others to achieve great outcomes and to realize their future aspirations utilising his knowledge, experience and expertise in wide management and technical fields

Advisory Committee Member - Indigenous Essential Services Advisory Committee NT

Received the Public Service Medal (PSM) in recent years.


Education and Professional Accreditations

  •        Master Degree in Electrical Engineering

  •       SAI Global Certificate of Business Excellence

  •       Australian Graduate School of Management University of New South Wales

  •         Development Program for Managers 19

  •      Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD)

  •     National Evaluator ABEF (Australian Business Excellence Framework)

  •     PSM – Public Service Medal

Skills, Knowledge and Capabilities

  • ·       Leading and managing large scale organizations to achieve a high performance outcomes

  • •   Developing and implementing long term strategy

  • •   Implementing and practicing Business Excellence

  • •   Setting up business’ governance processes

  •   Establishing and implementing businesses processes’ systems, structures and frameworks

  •   Managing contracts and projects

  •    Implementing change and process improvements

  •    Coaching and mentoring

  •    Managing customers and stakeholders

  •    Managing safety

  •    Managing operations, maintenance, constructions and assets

  •    Establishing high performing teams

  •    Establishing and managing budgets and commercials

  •    Managing production and workshops

  •    Managing commercial disputes and negotiations

  •    Managing and operating renewable energy resources including microgrids

  •    Establishing and managing open access regime for electricity networks

  •    Managing Crisis and Emergencies

  •    Managing electricity system operations

Specific Examples of Successful Transformation Projects undertaken by EBLA Principals

 Applying the Functional and business excellence expertise and experience, EBLA Principals, in their Senior Leadership, C-Suite Executive and Director level roles have both individually, and as a Team, planned, guided, supported, and delivered the following full range of functional and transformation initiatives, in Australia and overseas.